
Golden Elixir Retreats

4 Day Retreat including 3 Ceremonies and delicious healthy food

Right now in the time of the ascension of the earth and the awakening of humanity, it is of particular importance that we get the latest downloads from the divine source in order to be able to really hold and endure the new energies and frequencies.

The higher the vibration here on our beloved planet earth, the more light and plasma energies our body must be able to absorb. We come to a phase of ascent in which we can sometimes no longer distinguish between dream and everyday consciousness. A new birth into the golden age is imminent for all who are ready and prepared. Have you already made a decision for your path? Are you prepared as best as possible for what's coming?

The "Golden Elixir Retreats" were developed to master the ascension of the earth and to make awakening as beautiful, joyful and divine as possible. We also offer 7 consecutive retreats to open 7 different seals of the consciousness matrix. The first seal is the seal for divine coherence - connection to the divine source.

For the ceremony we use rue as herbal medicine, comparable to Ayahuasca. Due to the alchemical preparation that is unique to us, nausea, as it is known from classical Ayahuasca ceremonies, is reduced to a minimum and in most cases there is no vomiting. The plant has a strengthening effect as a tonic for the body and enables you to exploit the full potential of your conscious and subconscious.

You can find our dates and free information evenings under Events

Your most delicious relationship

Day 1 - Get out of the matrix

Please arrive well rested between 14:00 and 15:00 and make sure that you have allowed yourself enough sleep the night before. On this day, we recommend that you take a transformation day or, if you don't yet know what it is, then only drink water (you can use a lot of water for cleaning).

On this day we start with a meeting and you can put all your intentions, wishes and questions into the field. The main question that will accompany you in every retreat is: “Who do I come as? And who do I go as? ”. You are invited to think about it before the retreat. Or you just get involved in the moment and see what comes spontaneously.

In the further course we will jointly create a sacred and protected space for the coming days together in the form of a Rishi session. We clean and clear the field, we prepare the body for the coming DNA changes, we remove astral objects, implants, entities and unhealthy / damaged relationships. We bring shadows to light so that they can be resolved and we resolve the birth trauma by rewriting the past. We connect the heart with the mind and bring them into divine coherence.

In the ceremony you come into deep, inner, intimate contact with yourself.

Day 2 - Into Christ Consciousness

On this day we start with a round of experiences, what you have already experienced so far. In the further course there is a very special and in-depth clearing. Among other things, we clean up: worthlessness, guilt, depression, helplessness, fear, pride, negative ego patterns, the ancestral line, karmic wounds, ties to low-vibrating dimensions, spiritual viruses, nano bacteria, toxic shame, parasites of all types and dimensions, life paths , Soul phases, past lives and a lot more. Let yourself be surprised. This is possibly the most profound purification you have received in your life so far.

In the ceremony we play very healing heart sounds, which enable you to arrive fully at home - in Christ consciousness.

Day 3 - encounter with God

On this day we start again with a round of experiences, what you have already experienced so far. This day serves, among other things, for integration, so there is no further clearing. What we do or not do together in the afternoon depends on the group and the group energy.

In the ceremony we play special frequency music and, God willing, you get the opportunity to ask him questions directly and receive answers.

Day 4 - God's blessings

After breakfast together and an experience session until around noon, you will return to your everyday life with increased energy, increased awareness and a new glow and radiance on all levels and beyond. God's blessing for you!


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